Friday, March 27, 2009

"White Linen"

I've really been enjoying working on these small "portraits". Each are about 15x7 oil on linen (on board) and are taken from people around town. This guy was in the Folly Gras parade a month ago, and strolling down the street with his friend, also dressed in white linen.
I've also taken up stretching my own canvas, and have to say it is pure joy when you are done stretching, priming, sanding, priming, etc - and then get to paint on them. There is something wonderfully "old world" about starting from scratch, and I love the surface.

"White Linen"
15.5 x 7 framed in dark wood w/gold liner

1 comment:

Steph said...

Love this -- and the way the canvas size so closely matches the image. It emphasizes his lean build and makes him even more elegant!