Saturday, April 11, 2009

Room With A View

I am loving my little apartment. Across the street they are setting up the market, the smell of saffron and cumin rises from the Eastern deli below and I am painting by the window as everyone walks or bikes by. The weather has been wonderful and I have walked everywhere - including to my new find - the art store! On the way, I have to walk by this great store called "Merci" which is three floors of clothes, housewares, and flowers. Came back to the studio with one bag of canvas the other bag full of flowers and a few bowls for still lifes.

It's pretty funny to paint outside here. You'd think that there would be tons of painters everywhere, but I seem to be the only one, and everybody comes up to talk. I am very embarrassed by my horrid French, but we all seem to get along fine. 

The other side of my new social life is going to some of my daughters appointments for the fashion end. The designers are showing their new collections and I get to see what is the new style for fall. We also went to one of her promotions for Wool & the Gang (a very hip knit wear company she designs for). It was in an old movie theater where they knit squares and sat around drinking Cosmos. Great fun and quite the change for someone whose wardrobe consists of t-shirts with paint on them.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Wow -- I'm jealous! But you are having great fun and taking in all the new fashions at the same time???? And it's work??? Can't wait to see you again, and all the wonderful work that is going to come out of this!